Oh, look. Here comes that Dreamer!

This is what I want people to say about me.

When 2023 was nearly upon us, I decided to choose a word of the year. I wanted a simple way to be focused without creating hard-and-fast goals or resolutions. 

I thought about it, prayed about it a lot, and landed on a word that gave me more and more excitement: DREAM. My word was inspired by the events of my life in 2022 and how I'd begun to become involved in my new church. At that point, I was serving by cleaning and playing piano with the worship team.

But I had dreams of more.

When 2023 came into view, my dreams kind of...exploded.  I dreamed up the website, invitation cards, flyers, a YouTube channel, singing harmony, sharing at youth group, creating the cross backdrop, and decorating for holidays. It's only April.

And I'm still dreaming.

It's all been by God's grace. I just try to operate on the promise that I will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on me to be His witness. And I'm His witness in all of the above. This work and serving that I do, it is all about (as cheesy as it sounds) dreaming big and following through on those dreams.

It has NOT been easy. Some of the things I've done this year caused a bit of anxiety because I was stepping out in very new ways for me. But by the grace of God, the anxiety I felt never turned into panic, and it never stopped me from doing what I felt I should do. Case in point: singing backup vocals. I'm just not one to enjoy the spotlight. Now I'm comfortable with it, free to enjoy adding to the sounds of worship.

God is really taking me from a place of wondering to a place of purpose, and I'm thrilled!

Why Dream?

The verse about Joseph that I reference in this post title is about his gift of having and interpreting meaningful dreams. What I'm talking about is dreaming in a different sense. Like this sense: 

verb (used without object), dreamed or dreamt, dream·ing.
to have a dream.
an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: such as a visionary creation of the imagination  

I've always been a daydreamer. Ask my mom. Or, um, anyone who knows me. I'm the girl with a dreamy, far-off look. A girl who bubbles up with ideas.

So this year is about allowing myself to do that, to see what works, and to learn from what doesn't.

This blog is one of those little bubbles, something I dreamed up one day. And you know what? That is how all good things start: with a dream someone was brave enough to pursue.

A year ago, I wasn't even attending a church in person. At that time being involved in a ministry of any kind wasn't something I envisioned for myself. I would have laughed like Sarah if you told me about my future, that in a year serving creatively would be my passion. I wouldn't have believed how far in love I'd fall with the church, with Jesus, with serving. Serving the church brings me life!

Find Your Way Back to the Castle

That's the key, I think: Using your daydreams for God. It is so good to use your creativity, skills, and spiritual gifts for the Lord. And it's ok if you haven't been doing that, or you have a hard time finding the motivation to do that. It's also ok if you've made mistakes in this area before, or been hurt by others in this area. Start with drawing close to Jesus in prayer. Then serve in smaller ways, with something that feels a bit safer before you branch out.

I love the imagery of Cinderella's lost slipper. As the magic fell away from her, she ran back to her prison cell, the only home she had. She didn't know that her real "magic" had been left behind along with her sparkling glass slipper. The Prince, motivated by his love for her, searched her out, going throughout his kingdom to find her. And when he finally found her, they were married and lived happily ever after.

I don't want to get too cheesy here (too late,) but it's just that there is truth in this fairytale. If you've run away from God or from the church, know that Jesus is wooing you back home. He's pursuing you, you need only to accept him. 

No matter how your heart is grieving,
if you keep on Believing,
the dream that you wish will come true.

Joseph had literal dreams in his sleep about who he'd become one day. He was an amazing vessel of God who saved countless people from famine and starvation. But before becoming equal in power with the Egyptian King, he was sold into slavery and imprisoned. 

Like Joseph (and Cinderella for that matter) our hearts are all tangled up with our dreams, and the journey is usually not very picturesque. So how does a person get through the trials and realize their dreams? 

The Bible puts it a little less whimsically than our fairytale heroine:

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Hooray for the truth! When I pursue Jesus and delight in Him first, my desires become filled with kingdom purposes. Those are the dreams that I'm focusing on.

My prayer is for us all (including me) to have our hearts seeking after God, so our dreams will follow, be fruitful, and lead others to Him.

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